Pharmacy. Solutions.
MVP-Rx is a URAC Accredited Specialty Pharmacy that provides concierge solutions and 340B program administration for medical practices and healthcare providers.
Patients love our onsite pharmacies, medication delivery and personalized care. Medical providers trust our decades of experience in HIV treatment, our certified pharmacists and our 340B audit and compliance program.
Onsite HIV Pharmacy
As a customized pharmacy care team, we recognize the importance of HIV medication management, support, education and adherence.
With our onsite pharmacy, we are able to provide delivery services directly to your home or office! Since we operate as a closed door pharmacy, we can focus on deliveries and shipments to get patients their medication as soon as possible.
We simplify the pharmacy process and bring useful solutions that save time and money, which trickles down to your patients too.
340B Administration
We provide audit, compliance and legal services for the entirety of your 340B program. We will maximize 340B dollars for your organization.
MVP-Rx makes managing 340B a breeze. We take the hard work out of compliance and build a simple model that is effective in your clinic.
Concierge Medication Delivery
We will hand deliver medication to your home or work in between doctors’ visits.
We don’t just solve for your pharmacy needs, we put our pharmacists directly in your clinic so management is as close as your own front door.
“Within two months, MVP implemented software to eliminate the need for third-party billing services, and reduced our accounts receivable payment time by forty days. My patients love the new pharmacy in my office!”
— Dr. Alvarez-McLeod
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